Friday, April 17, 2009

Random snaps - Manhattan & subway

In Little Italy, a limo driver waits for the revelers to finish their spaghetti, so he can take them back home to Long Island.

George Emilio Sanchez's performance, Buried Up To My Neck While Thinking Outside The Box, at Dixon Place's new space on the Bowery.

Just another parked car, East Village...
and the All Gender toilets at the LGBT Community Center on W. 13th Street, below.

More of Greenwich Village at night - pizza, a photo shoot, and empty offices as seen from 6th Avenue.

A sad note, from February, on the conditions in my apartment building. Who can you trust anymore?

Scenes from Bellevue Hospital, where I spend some time getting put back together again. A piano in the corridor, well protected and set apart by stanchions.

In the elevator at Bellevue, they're not taking any chances on the number '13'

Hospital corridors...

And an empty work place - I can't remember where this one is. Could be anywhere. I think I'm taking pictures of work places because I need a job...a desire for the order and stability of an ordinary workspace. One that comes with a paycheck, of course.

And back in the subway, there are always mysterious doors along the platform. Some come with instructions.
Subway telephone.

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