Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Snaps - Brooklyn

The Zion Baptist Church Bible Institute, Washington Ave.

Listing classes for the Fall 2007 at the Bible Institute.

The Blue Saint, Pacific Street.
Black and white bobs at a rally on Pacific Street to protest Frank Gehry's planned basketball stadium at the Atlantic Yards site.

A burned-out apartment in our building. The landlord had waited until the squirrels and pigeons took over these formerly pricey digs, and perhaps the building inspectors gave him a deadline as well. The apartment is now being renovated.
Engine 280, Ladder 132, In The Eye Of The Storm, Crown Heights.

Snaps - Manhattan

The interior or a homewares shop, lower Manhattan. A bit of a jumble, wouldn't you say?

Then, this 3 story blank wall, also in lower Manhattan. Someone somewhere has plans for this, in the meantime, how can the graffiti-ists resist?

A narrow 19thC 3 story building found a niche on St. Mark's Place. And someone wisely thought to make the ground floor into a cafe. Old style.