Friday, May 22, 2009

Further Distractions in Other Places

The compacting trash bins at Union Square caught my eye.
They're solar-cell powered - see pics below showing the leaves of the trees above reflected in the solar cells on the lid of the trash bin.

The subway's interior architecture - lighting, grills, vents, walls, i-beams, stairs, signs, exits, entrances

And once inside I had a moment or two when the subway car was all mine

Back on the street, this Oldsmobile 442 caught my eye - a distraction!
Leading to mixed emotions as I love and hate it

Then from inside the Grand Central Terminal to the Met Life Building entrance, and the red lobby of Bank of America ...

the lights of which are mixing in a purplish haze with the blue lights of Citi Bank across the way

is it a lobby or an abstract painting?

Then at Westbeth, the doors and walls outside the toilet were a distraction

Outside, on the way home, another car - a modest little brown Honda with a bitchin' bumper. Makes all the difference, I'd say. And a bit distracting.

Distractions Abound at Tavern on the Green, Central Park

And finally, a tired little horse, still not finished with the day's work, waiting to take people for a ride after dinner. Other people. A slave horse.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

An incident on Clinton Street, Lower East Side

Two NYPD helicopters - one flying very low and one hovering a hundred feet above - searching the area on Houston Street from Norfolk to a few blocks east of Clinton.
There had been a shooting and the cops were out.

(Another way of looking at it, above, as the software takes over for a second.)

When I came upon the scene, as I was walking down Houston in search of a cup of coffee, the police detectives had just arrived.

Just another day on the Lower East Side.