Monday, June 1, 2009


"Elsewhere" is the title of a book by Yasmine Alwan, prose that examines the details, the interstices, the view of nearness.
In Geneva, Switzerland last week. Lake Geneva, the medieval city, Jean Calvin's church and the beginning of Calvinist Protestantism, streets that look like towns in France. Elsewhere can also mean the long view, taking it all in, taking in details and landscape at once indistinguishable.

Hotel Montbrillant, decent and inexpensive, and right across from the train station.

The Protestant Union.

A 100 year old plane tree in the park near Le Bastion, Geneva.

The town of Visp, to catch a bus further into the Alps.

On the bus.

Arrival at Saas-Fee.

Mountains in the mist.

The European Graduate School, Saas-Fee
... and back to Geneva for bits of irony...