23 December. Took the Q train to 34th St. and then a D to 47th-50th. Walked through 2 lower levels of Rockefeller Center - all marble and gold and black. Once outside, the tree directly in front of me. The tree was lovely and the tourists were having fun.
My cynicism was at a minimum for just a few moments. Soon the crowds became too pressing, distracting, awful so I crossed over to St. Patrick's and was fortunate to find a group of anti-torture protesters in front of the cathedral. Chatted with a couple of them and picked up a flyer. Went into St. Patrick's and there were throngs of people - more and more people. The story of Jesus and the money lenders in the temple came to mind. Piety was at a premium. Even an atheist like me, who has also protested outside the Cathedral, would like people and their children to talk in hushed tones.
Photos of a day out.
Protest information:
International Day to Shut Down Guantanamo
Friday, January 11, 2008
Gather @ 10:00 AM
National Mall @ 12th Street NW betw Madison Dr NW & Jefferson Drive SW
near the Smithsonian Metro Stop
11:00 AM Demontration on the Mall
Sponsored by Witness Against Torture, Amnesty International, & National Religious Campaign Against Torture
1:30 PM Funeral Ceremony @ the Supreme Court remembering the four men who died in custody at Guantanamo and mourning the death of Habeas Corpus